Risk Assessment

How important is it for your injured worker to be seen by a board-certified physician or nurse practitioner within 60 seconds or less from the time of injury?
Very Important - I would like my employee to be seen and evaluated immediately.
Somewhat important - This is a good option, however, not necessary with every injury.
Not important - I am comfortable with the employee being taken to the closest Emergency Department, urgent care facility, or occupational health center as the first step in treatment.
Can you benefit from a 70% reduction in your annual worker's comp claim medical expenses?
Yes– My medical expenses on work comp claims are too high.
Maybe – I want to reduce my costs, but not sure how that is possible.
Not interested – I do not have a problem with high medical costs for claims.
How important is it for your injured workers to return to work immediately following a workplace injury?
Very Important – We always have alternative work and see the value in employees returning to the workplace.
Somewhat Important – We struggle with return-to-work programs but would be interested in learning how we can improve.
Not Important – Our workplace does not recognize the value in alternative job opportunities for injured workers.
Would you like a clinical service which schedules referral appointments (same day or next day) with work comp providers and facilitates reminders and communication between you, your worker, and the insurance adjuster?
Yes! – We recognize that this is an important but time-consuming process on the path to a worker’s maximum recovery.
Maybe – Our workers can get appointments with providers but would like to have a more efficient process.
No – Our current system is very fast and efficient, and employees more often than not keep their appointments.

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