Workplace Injury Support Made Accessible to All

At JobSiteCare, we understand the complexities of workplace injuries and the urgency to treat and manage them.

Through our unique model, we specialize in workplace injury management, offering licensed, best-in-class, physician-led telemedicine 24/7 in all 50 United States. Led by board-certified physicians, our telemedicine solution provides swift, expert care at the critical moment following a workplace injury, helping to minimize disruptions, reduce workplace claim costs, and reduce OSHA metrics.

We specialize in workplace injury management, offering best-in-class, physician-led telemedicine 24/7 in all 50 United States. Led by board-certified physicians, our telemedicine solution provides swift, expert care at the critical moment following a workplace injury, helping to minimize disruptions, reduce workplace claim costs, and reduce OSHA metrics. 

How can we help you?

Unsure about your current workplace injury management strategy? Our quiz can quickly assess your needs and show how our services might benefit you.


A Unique Workplace Injury Treatment Model

We have built a unique, HIPAA-compliant occupational health software platform to help achieve superior outcomes for injured workers. We distinguish ourselves from other telemedicine companies by providing end-to-end care with our on-staff clinical and care teams. Our model ensures rapid response and continuity of care. This aids in expediting and tracking referrals. We stand out in our commitment to workplace injury response procedures, providing constant follow-ups to ensure a swift return to work. With JobSiteCare, you can count on us for prompt, dedicated support whenever you need it.












Mobile Workforce





Mobile Workforce


A Comprehensive Care Solution

At JobSiteCare, our process centres around a rapid and efficient response model designed to ensure top-quality care for injured workers.

Upon receiving notification of a workplace injury, a physician can be reached in 60 seconds or less. As an option, we can pair our telemedicine support with on-site medical services, which spring into action immediately. The process always begins with a swift workplace injury triage conducted by our team of experts, who are trained to quickly assess the severity of an injury and provide immediate and appropriate care.

If needed, we expedite referrals to trusted specialists using your existing network, track treatment progression for quality assurance, and ensure seamless transitions through MD-to-MD contacts. This coordination between medical professionals facilitates the setting of expectations and enables continuity of care.

Further cementing our commitment to our clients is our constant follow-up with injured workers. Our continuous communication aids in ensuring a rapid return to work, promoting both recovery and productivity. Our rapid assessment and treatment model leads to a reduction in OSHA metrics such as recordable incidents and DART days.

The Benefits of Our Workforce Healthcare Solution

Injured Worker

24/7 Immediate Care

Our efficient occupational telemedicine software platform ensures immediate care is always at your fingertips.

Higher Patient Satisfaction

Our dedicated, patient-centric approach to workplace injury case management fosters improved satisfaction.

Constant Follow-up/Advocacy

Through consistent advocacy and follow-ups, we aim to streamline your recovery journey.


Claim Reduction

Our thorough workplace injury management solutions effectively lower workers’ compensation insurance costs.

Fewer Litigated Claims

Our proactive strategies help limit contentious claims.

Rapid Return to Work

Swift recovery processes result in minimum downtime and a faster return to the workplace.


Lower EMR Score

Efficient practices to enhance your company’s EMR score.

Improved OSHA Metrics

Our rapid assessment and treatment model leads to a reduction in OSHA metrics such as recordable incidents and DART days.

Faster Claims Processing

We expedite the recovery process so that claims are able to be closed faster.

Frequently Asked Questions


We are a telemedical practice that treats workers at the time of their injury on the job site, follows the worker’s care throughout their injury, and helps the worker return to work quickly. 

How much does it cost to partner with JobSiteCare?

Our partnership pricing is based on an annual flat fee calculated using your workers’ compensation program loss data. We do not bill on a per-incident basis, as this can often drive up the cost of claims as there is no incentive to reach maximum recovery quickly. 

Who sees and attends to the patients?

We have a group of boardcertified doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants who see the patient. 

How does JobSiteCare differ from urgent care centers and emergency rooms?

JobSiteCare provides 60-second access to 24/7 telemedicine support with its team of doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. We believe an injured worker and their employer should always have a clear path towards recovery and return to work. Our data suggests that without a well-defined plan within the first 24 hours, a worker may disengage from the workers’ compensation process. We offer a total workforce solution that effectively aligns the injured worker, the employer, and the workers’ compensation program. 

How does JobSiteCare reduce fraudulent cases?

By employing a licensed medical provider to perform an immediate assessment, we create an official record of the incident, often within minutes of the injury. Additionally, we maintain frequent follow-ups with the worker, even daily if required, to ensure that the case doesn’t deviate from the established trajectory. 

Who orders any testing or referrals, and who schedules them?

JobSiteCare orders the test and arranges and schedules any imaging appointments. For referrals, JobSiteCare works with the workers employer and their insurance adjusters to schedule any referrals to specialists. 

What if someone requires "hands-on" care?

If, after a thorough guided telemedical evaluation, an individual requires inperson or specialist care, JobSiteCare arranges for an immediate or expedited referral to your network. We can also assist with locating and vetting providers as needed. Importantly, JobSiteCare clinicians call ahead and discuss the case with the accepting provider in advance of the patient‘s arrival to agree on the treatment plan and maintain continuity of care. Even when specialist care is required, our clinicians and care support staff continue to follow the patient all the way through the process of treatment through return to work. We act as both healthcare navigators and advocates to ensure the highest level of care and maximum recovery.

Can JobSiteCare work in conjunction with a medical trailer?

Yes, if JobSiteCare retains the ability to be the treating physician for all injuries. It is imperative that JobSiteCare leads all efforts to direct the medical care for all injured workers. 

Does JobSiteCare manage injuries and illnesses that are not work-related?

Yes. JobSiteCare is committed to overall health and wellness beyond just specific work related concerns, because health does not stop and start at the borders of the jobsite. And so, with the employer’s approval, we can provide assessment and assistance with non-work-related issues as well. Our team has assisted many individuals in navigating the frequently complicated landscape of the healthcare system. This includes collecting detailed health histories to assess risk, make recommendations, and connect individuals with the appropriate care for those issues that are not workrelated. 

How does your technology help reduce workers’ compensation claim duration and associated costs and lower OSHA metrics?

Our proprietary technology platform allows the injured worker to reach a medical provider within 60 seconds of initiating a request for assistance. From there, our system tracks followup visits and coordinates communication at the frequency and methods desired by the employer. Because many injuries can be treated and managed virtually, fewer incidents will qualify as reportable under the OSHA standards. However, should an injury be more severe and require more specialized treatment, our aggressive return to work program will reduce OSHA DART days. 

Can JobSiteCare provide hands-on support at my company or project?

Yes! We can staff any level of support from our health and wellness specialists, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and board-certified physicians. We are also able to create an on-site clinic and provide medical supplies to support your workforce. 

The future of employee health and safety starts here.

A Partner, Not a Vendor

Conflict-Free, Quality Care

Board-Certified Doctors

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