Your Path to Comprehensive Workers’ Compensation Loss Control
We are not just another vendor; we are a partner in helping you and your clients manage risk. JobSiteCare can help you, your clients, and policyholders mitigate the risk of costly workers’ compensation claims and lower EMR scores. We offer tailored solutions that align with any insurance program, such as wrap-ups, OCIPs (Owner Controlled Insurance packages), and CCIPs (Contractor Controlled Insurance packages).
JobSiteCare can help you, your clients, and policyholders mitigate the risk of costly workers’ compensation claims and lower EMR scores. We offer tailored solutions that align with any insurance program, such as wrap-ups, OCIPs, and CCIPs.
Ask us how to make your project more profitable by reducing claim costs.
Why Should You Choose JobSiteCare?
The risk of prolonged and expensive workers’ compensation claims is a constant concern for you and your clients. At JobSiteCare, we offer a specialized loss control solution that not only reduces this risk but also aligns seamlessly with both fixed-premium cost policies and those with a deductible. With our 24/7 physician-led occupational telemedicine solution, we provide immediate, expert care at the crucial moment following an injury. Our approach minimizes disruptions, reduces claim duration and costs, and improves OSHA metrics, all while ensuring top-quality care for injured workers.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Does JobSiteCare Work?
JobSiteCare operates through a unique urgent care model, specializing in workplace injury management. When an injury occurs, a physician can be reached in 60 seconds or less, providing immediate telemedicine support. The process includes swift injury triage, on-site treatment, expedited referrals to specialists if needed, and continuous follow-up with injured workers. Coordination between medical professionals ensures quality care, while the rapid response model helps in reducing claim costs and improving compliance metrics.
What are the differences between JobSiteCare and other service providers?
JobSiteCare stands apart through its physician-led telemedicine approach, offering 24/7 immediate care. Unlike other providers, JobSiteCare emphasizes rapid assessment, treatment, and continuous communication, ensuring a seamless transition through the recovery process. The flexibility to align with existing networks, the focus on reducing OSHA metrics, and the commitment to act as a strategic partner rather than just a vendor make JobSiteCare a unique choice in the field of workplace injury management.
What are the main benefits of JobSitCare?
JobSiteCare offers several key benefits, including a reduction in workers’ compensation claim costs, effective risk management, and enhanced OSHA compliance. The service’s flexibility, quality assurance, and strategic partnership approach add value by aligning with the unique needs and goals of those involved in the process. The emphasis on immediate care, recovery, and customer satisfaction makes JobSiteCare a comprehensive solution that addresses both immediate challenges and long-term success.
What are some examples of issues or case studies that JobSiteCare can help with?
This case study presents a comparative analysis of workers who suffered the same type of injury in the same year but were treated under different care models: Usual Care and JobSiteCare.
Usual Care

Date of injury
Male – Age 43
Male – Age 35
Displaced Closed Right Ankle Fracture
Displaced Closed Right Ankle Fracture
Medical Cost
$ 43,201
$ 20,206
Indemnity Cost
$ 46,130
$ 0
Expenses (Including Litigation/Settlement)
$ 51,207
$ 4,746
Total Cost
$ 140,538
$ 24,952
Claim Length
238 Days
172 Days
Days Lost
98 Days
3 Days
As you can see, the comparison highlights stark differences in the resulting costs and timeline between the two different care models, showing the impact of JobSiteCare.
How does JobSiteCare work with insurance carriers?
We can work with your clients, whether they have a fixed-cost or a deductible policy. As a partner who delivers a best-in-class loss control solution, you can be sure we will add value to the loss control program.
Which industries are best for JobSiteCare?
While much of our work is in the construction industry, any labor-based industry, such as manufacturing, mining, oil and gas, warehousing and distribution, hospitality, resorts, and transportation, will benefit from our services.